Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Big Issue moment

The day of the tour - the problems of the modern world

Le Tour de France in London

The British Museum

Victoria ja Alberti muuseumi tagaaed

Tower Bridge (taken from the Tower of London)

The view from the Tower Bridge

Regent Street
There was a festival called Pride (gei and lesbian festival) and they had a march on that day, so Regent Street was opened for the pedestrians only)

At night

Westminsteri sild etc.

London Eye ja Big Beni kellatorn ja parlamendihoone
The view (British Airways London Eye tipust)


British Airways London Eye, Londoni akvaarium, Dali

Trafalgar Square (Nelsoni monument paremal)

Snails in the backyard

Iris in the backyard

Kodune tagaaed

Kensington Palace

Alberti monument Royal Albert Halli vastas

April 2007